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The Clouds Tell Me Stories

I figure a good introductory post to this blog, a new addition in my rapidly changing life as of late, should be tame. I also think a little being a tad esoteric is good way to keep myself genuinely invested in what I'm writing.

So I'll share a story with you that I think represents who I am currently.


Whenever I was in long car rides to my grandparents, I loved looking at the clouds idly float while telephone poles ticked by, a sea of grass and wheat blurring together as they wavered. I used to believe God herself would use the clouds to tell me stories. These stories would always have some sort of impact on me, though childish, they brought out my greatest hopes, wishes, fears, and insecurities.

Over time, whether it's due to me not being religious anymore, or the development of an ego that tried to find itself, it stopped.

At my community college, years later, a professor who I never had gave a lecture.

On tarot cards.

He lamented on how he garnered nasty looks when he visited the occult section at a bookstore. He openly let us know that he was in fact, Christian and these cards do not contradict his belief system. He told us that tarot cards though not inherently magical, the symbols that they represent can give us insights if we just listen to our first instinct.

He continued to parallel them to the monomyth. The monomyth is the hero's journey, and the images that are on tarot cards represent those steps. Those steps are (obviously) wide enough in interpretation. These vague symbols can allow our minds to project associated meaning and values.

Like if I said, home, not everyone will have the same mental image, or feelings towards that symbol. That is facsinating and to be respected.

Combining these symbols in a "tarot card reading" can be mental gymnastics that are rewarding in the strangely esoteric insights that they give us. This is partially why I've segmented myself into three fictional characters online. Plathubis, Shockflash, and Nivardy, allow me to remove myself from the equation. The conscious bias been removed. It's not Dissociative Identity Disorder, I am perfectly conscious. It's recontextualizing my feelings and abstract problems in a way that even a dumb kid riding a car to his grandparents can understand.

With a story.

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