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Be Bad At Stuff: It's Good For You.

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

No one* purposely sets out to be bad at a skill. Everyone who picks up a new hobby or project, usually intends quality. They can be overjoyed at their expectations being surpassed, and crushed by barely meeting them. This sort of feeling can prevent people from taking on new hobbies at all, or abandoning personal projects. Recently, I've felt guilty about leaving old projects to the side. Worlds worth of embarrassing nonsense placed to the side, because I felt I couldn't bring it justice. Just engaging these projects helped me round out as a person, and see sides I didn't know were there. Then the magic of being able to articulate any part of that was incredible.

I don't want anyone reading this to give up.

Be bad at stuff. It doesn't necessarily have to be considered creative to be worth it to pursue. Don't be afraid to stumble around in the dark, it would be eerie or delusional to expect yourself to be able to navigate unknown places flawlessly.

Here are some new things to be bad at:

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